
Our Four-year-olds are getting ready for entry into  Kindergarten

Our Pre-K program includes activities designed to stimulate your child’s academic growth and development. Our teachers work with your child to help them prepare for the start of elementary school. The activities and educational program are age-appropriate and will develop skills that will help them thru their early years of school. Footprints’ provides your child with an environment of caring, nurturing, and learning to stimulate further your Pre– Kindergartener’s natural curiosity and social development. Songs and activities are part of your Pre– Kindergartener’s everyday life. Building a solid self-image and a positive attitude are the beginning steps to a well-rounded growth pattern.

Our focus continues to be an age-appropriate Christian education curriculum with opportunities for exposure to early literacy skills, including:
Print literacy (knowing left-right orientation and the front and back of a book); matching of a picture to story text, prediction, and alternate endings; letter and sound identification; recognition of their name in print; writing their name, counting and number concepts of quantity, sequential order, serial order; one-on-one correspondence; interest in prewriting and graphics; and the use of art as the process and not the product.


More About Us

Lancaster United Methodist Church views Footprints as a ministry and service to the community. Fifty years ago, Lancaster United Methodist Church wanted to serve families by reaching out to provide affordable child care and Christian spiritual enrichment. We feel that the best way to serve our community is to minister to families just like you. Give us a call. Let us share how we can help your family grow in peace and wholeness through Christ.

Preschool Hours: Monday thru Friday, 7:00 am to 5:30 pm.
Our school license numbers: Infants: 197411390, Preschool: 191201899, School-Age: 197411391
We accept DCFS/CCRC